LFS svn systemd 2014

preparazione e installazione automatica di LinuxFromScratch versione svn con systemd

costruzione LFS svn systemd

mkdir /build_dir
mkdir /build_dir/sources
mkdir /home/sacarde/sources
mount /dev/sda1 /build_dir

cd /build_dir
(BOOK Current Systemd Development:)
svn co svn://svn.linuxfromscratch.org/LFS/branches/systemd/

cd /home/sacarde
(Current development version of jhalfs:)
svn co svn://svn.linuxfromscratch.org/ALFS/jhalfs/trunk jhalfs-trunk

programmi richiesti + variabili impostate:

dare il via alla procedura, da:




file *editme* da impostare:



una volta raggiunto lo step 150

1) copiando il kernel dal sistema host:

sudo cp /boot/*3.11.10-301* /build_dir/boot
sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

2) ricompilando il kernel in LFS appena costruito

copiare il kernel in /usr/src/linux...


make mrproper
make defconfig (config standard)
make modules_install

copiare bzImage, System.map e .config in /boot/....

- configurare bootloader grub
- fine

problemi / soluzioni


dalla mailinglist alfs

You may also do the following:
- If you want to use a book in the branches directory, tick
"Release->Branch or stable book", and specify:
branch-xxx in "book version", where xxx is the branch name.
- If you want to use a book in the tags directory, tick "Release->Branch
or stable book", and just specify the tag in "book version".

for svn systemd: input "branch-systemd" for "book version".
for stable systemd (7.5) : input "7.5-systemd".
for stable (non systemd) LFS (7.5): input just "7.5"

and so on.

In this case, the book source is downloaded to


Articolo tratto da: #341724 Linux - http://sacarde.altervista.org/
URL di riferimento: http://sacarde.altervista.org/index.php?mod=read&id=1394359271